[Lillie Feinman.]
[Dinah Feinman née Shtettin.]
unknown[Joshua Zeldis in an unidentified production.]
Avery Willard[Zvee Scooler and Nancy Franklin in the scene "A Pinch of Snuff" in "The Theatre of Peretz".]
Avery Willard[Zvee Scooler and Nancy Franklin in "The Theatre of Peretz".]
Avery Willard[Zvee Scooler, Nancy Franklin and Isaiah Sheffer at Peretz Square.]
["Idle Inn" theater still.]
unknownMax & Raizel Bozyk
unknown[Rehearsal for "His Wife's Lover".]
unknown[Ludwig Satz in an unidentified production.]
unknown[Scene of an unidentified motion picture.]
unknown[Actresses in Jacob Preger's "The Water Carrier".]
unknown[Maurice Schwartz in Jacob Preger's "The Water Carrier".]
unknown[Theater still of Jacob Preger's "The Water Carrier".]
unknown[Theater still of "The Water Carrier" by Jacob Preger.]
Rappoport[Ludwig Satz and Celia Adler in H. Kalmanovitch's "The Second Love".]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Ludwig Satz and Berta Gersten in "The Lunatic".]
unknown[Chaim Schneur in an unidentified production.]
Ivan Busatt[Anna Appel, Miriam Kressyn and Leo Fuchs in Sholem Aleichem's "If I Were a Rothschild".]
unknown[Artistic representations of characters from "Yoshe Kalb" on exhibit at YIVO.]
["King Saul" theater still.]
[Lucy Levine.]
unknown[Maurice Schwartz in "Tevya the Milkman".]
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