["The Family Moskat" theater still.]
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["The Family Moskat" theater still.]
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["The Family Moskat" theater still.]
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["The Family Moskat" theater still.]
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[Joseph Anthony and Helen Blay in "Idle Inn".]
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[Wedding scene from "Idle Inn".]
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[Jacob Ben-Ami and Celia Adler in "Idle Inn".]
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[Moshe Feder with child actors in "Her Last Dance".]
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[Lili Liliana and Miriam Kressyn in "From Israel With Laughter".]
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[Lili Liliana, Miriam Kressyn, Seymour Rexite and Shmulik Goldstein in Shimon Dzigan's "From Israel With Laughter".]
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[Second act of "The Dybbuk".]
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[Hanna Rovina as Leah in "The Dybbuk".]
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[Lazar Fried and Jacob Ben-Ami in "Green Fields".]
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[Jacob Ben-Ami rehearsing with the cast of "The Ship of Saints".]
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[Jacob Ben-Ami rehearsing with the cast of "The Ship of Saints".]
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[Cast from an unidentified production.]
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[Cast from unidentified production.]
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[Victor Pecker, John Bleifer and David Vardi in "The Final Balance".]
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[Berta Gersten with three unidentified men.]
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[Berta Gersten drinking a glass of champagne with a group of men.]
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[Anna Teitelbaum and Menasha Skulnik.]
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[Michael Gorrin in "The Good Soldier Schweik".]
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[Jacob Ben-Ami in "The Miracle of the Warsaw Ghetto".]
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[Jacob Ben-Ami as Fedya in "The Living Corpse".]
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[Berta Gersten and Jacob Ben-Ami.]
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