Eugene Hutchinson[Jacob Ben-Ami.]
unknown[Maurice Schwartz as Tevya and Miriam Riselle as his daughter, Khave, in "Tevya the Dairyman".]
Rappoport[Maurice Schwartz as Tevya in Sholem Aleichem's "Tevya the Dairyman".]
unknown[Itzik Feld playing the title role in "General Fishl Duvid".]
unknown[Lola Spielman.]
unknown[Lazar Fried.]
Rappoport[Lazar Fried in an unidentified production.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Lazar Fried in an unidentified production.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Lazar Fried as Chonon in S. Ansky's "The Dybbuk".]
unknown[Lazar Fried in an unidentified production.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Eliahu Tenenholtz, Maurice Schwartz and Lazar Fried in an unidentified production.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Maurice Schwartz, Eliahu Tenenholtz, Lazar Fried and Leonid Snegoff in an unidentified production.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Lazar Fried as Jonathan in "King Saul".]
unknown[Lazar Fried as Chonon in S. Ansky's "The Dybbuk".]
unknown[Lucy Levine and Aaron Lebedeff.]
Rappoport[Aaron Lebedeff.]
unknown[Theater still of an unidentified production.]
unknown[Unidentified performers.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Unidentified performers.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Theater still of an unidentified production.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Wedding scene from an unidentified production.]
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