["The Dybbuk" theater stills.]
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[Cast of "Children Without a Home".]
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[Pageant at Madison Square Garden.]
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[Seymour Rexite and Aaron Lebedeff with an unidentified woman.]
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[Boris Thomashefsky and Aaron Lebedeff in an unidentified production.]
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[Berta Gersten and Maurice Schwartz in "Yosele the Nightingale".]
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[Maurice Schwartz and Anna Appel in "Hershel the Jester".]
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["Hershel the Jester" theater still.]
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["Hershel the Jester" theater still.]
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[Jacob and Sarah Mestel in a Chanukah play written by Sarah Mestel.]
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["Hersch Leckerts" at Camp Nit Gediget (No Worries) in Beacon, New York.]
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[Hebrew Actors' Union luncheon in honor of Jacob Mestel's book, "Undzer teater".]
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[Moishe Oysher conducting a memorial service in connection with the Hebrew Actors' Union.]
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[Jacob Mestel as a warrior in "60,000 Heroes".]
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[Cast of a Chanukah play written by Sarah Mestel.]
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[Executives of the Hebrew Actors' Union.]
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Farband Theatrical Caravan
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[Max Bozyk in "Travels of Benjamin the Third" for Farband Mobile Theatre.]
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[Ben Bonus from Farband Theatrical Caravan.]
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[Ben Bonus and Mina Bern from Farband Theatrical Caravan.]
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[Gravesite of Jacob M. Gordin.]
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[Jacob Gordin.]
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["Day and Night" theater still.]
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[Joseph Rumshinsky.]
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[Miriam Kressyn.]
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