Phillip Harrington,Stanley KubrickClothes of Schoolchildren [Boy trying on a coat.]
Jim Hansen (1921-1999),Stanley KubrickClothes of Schoolchildren [Boy trying on an outfit.]
Phillip Harrington,Stanley KubrickClothes of Schoolchildren [Boy trying on an outfit.]
Jim Hansen (1921-1999),Stanley KubrickClothes of Schoolchildren [Girl wearing a coat.]
Phillip Harrington,Stanley KubrickClothes of Schoolchildren [Boy trying on a jacket.]
Jim Hansen (1921-1999),Stanley KubrickClothes of Schoolchildren [Boy trying on a jacket.]
Phillip Harrington,Stanley KubrickClothes of Schoolchildren [Girl wearing a coat.]
Frank Bauman,Look magazine[Bob Elson - 'On the Century' - 20th Century Limited, Radio Interviews. Elson interviewing a young woman.]
Frank Bauman,Look magazine[Bob Elson - 'On the Century' - 20th Century Limited, Radio Interviews. Elson interviewing a young woman]
Frank Bauman,Look magazine[Bob Elson - 'On the Century' - 20th Century Limited, Radio Interviews. Elson interviewing an older man.]
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