[Black couple in their home.]
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[Group Portrait].
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"Getting Books" at 48 Henry Street.
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Organized Charity. Family making artificial flowers.
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[Playing by the water.]
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Crowd at opening of a small park before it was made.
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Waiting to be let into playground.
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School playground of old style in Wooster St. School.
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[At the beach.]
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In Poverty Gap, West Twenty-Eighth St. An English Coal-Heaver's Home.
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Public School, Hester and Ludlow Streets.
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Pietro learning to make an Englis' letter.
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["Riis Camp," Eight boys at lake.]
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Children's Aid Society, storing the Silo for the winter.
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Bandits' Roost - a Mulberry Bend Alley.
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[Man carying bundle of clothes.]
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The Verdict of the Rogue Gallery.
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Hester Street. The children's playground. All they have.
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Arch under the first rear tenement at 55 Baxter Street leading to the second rear, with stairs up which Vincenzo Nino went to murder his wife in 1895. House believed to be haunted.
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Public School, Rivington & Eldridge Sts.
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Vacation Playground, 66th Street and 1st Avenue, Manhattan. August 26th 1902.
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Police Superintendent Murray (retired).
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A Cooking Lesson in Vacation School: the Best Temperance Sermon.
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Public School, Suffolk & Rivington Streets.
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Public School 105 in Manhattan at the vacation playgrounds in Bronx Park, August 19th 1902.
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