Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Organized Charity. At "Caroline Rest" A.I.C.P.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Showing their trick, Hell's Kitchen boys.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)New York Foundling Asylum, Sister Irene and her flock.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Police Station Lodging Room on East Side.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Rear Tenements in Mott Street, in which an Italian Shot his wife dead and escaped, 1894.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Public School, Suffolk & Rivington Streets.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)The Bend.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)My Silver Bride.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Ribe, "Slippen," the alley leading to the river, where my bother Theodore was drowned.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Recreation Piers.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Ribe, the pulpit in the Domkirke.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)"Didn't live nowhere."
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Gouverneur Street Public School.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Public School, Catherine and Oliver Streets.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)King's Daughters Tenement Chapter, threading beads in the kindergarten.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Tammany Street cleaning before Waring's Days in front of 9 Varick Place.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)What the Boys Learn on Their Street Playground.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)[Copy negative of Lewis Wickes Hine photograph. Organized Charity. In the Oyster Camps, Child Labor.]
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Night School in the Seventh Avenue Lodging House - run by The Children's Aid Society.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)In Poverty Gap, West Twenty-Eighth St. An English Coal-Heaver's Home.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Newsboy in lodging house, 9 Duane Street.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Police Station Lodging Room 5. Midnight in the Leonard Street Station.
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)[Indoor pool.]
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis (1849-1914)Drilling the Gang, Mulberry Street.
Baby in slum tenement, dark stairs--it's playground.
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