The Children of the Jacob A. Riis House on my lawn, summer of 1901.
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Baby in slum tenement, dark stairs--it's playground.
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A few of the boys going to work in the Night Shift in a Virginia glass factory.
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[Architectural view.]
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Riverside Buildings, Brooklyn, Sand pile.
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National Consumers' League, Finishing Pants.
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Children's Playground on Ellis Island (roof garden). The Children of detained or waiting immigrants.
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Public School, Rivington and Eldridge Street.
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Public School, Catherine and Oliver Streets.
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Class of Melammedim Learning English.
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An Italian Home under a Dump.
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Organized Charity. In the Oyster Camps, Child Labor.
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Heading off the Gang. Vacation playground near Old Frog Hollow.
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Police Station Lodgers 13. Elizabeth Street Station--Women Lodgers.
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Street Arabs in night-quarters -- Mulberry Street.
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The Bend.
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Children in the Beach Street Industrial School.
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The Potter's Field, the Common Trench.
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The rear room in the top floor of 55 Baxter Steet in which Mrs. Nino was murdered -- since deserted. On May 23, the splash of blood on floor and walls was there yet.
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Baxter Street Alley in Mulberry Bend, now destroyed.
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Bedroom in the New City Lodging House.
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What the boys learn on their street playground; the Dutch grocer's inquiry "Vat means dot 'sheese it? Epery time day say sheese it something vas gone!"
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[Relaxing in the hammock.]
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Manual Training Class, Public School.
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Having a good time in their playground.
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