"Slept in that cellar four years."
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[Children lining up on the beach.]
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Leaving for the city after their holiday.
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Boy's Ball Team in West Side playground.
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Bottle Alley Mulberry Bend in its worst days, picture used as evidence in murder case -- cross on stairs shows where murderer stood and did shooting.
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Children's Playground on Ellis Island (roof garden). The Children of detained or waiting immigrants.
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Giving the girl a show. Also in Playground.
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One Way of bringing the Children into Camp: Basket-weaving in Vacation School.
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Public School 105 from Manhattan at the vacation playgrounds in Bronx Park, August 19th 1902.
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P.S. 32 Brooklyn, Vacation Schools, August 13th 1902.
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[Small boat anchored in the lake.]
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Organized Charity. "On the Beach."
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Sitting on steps of Cooper Institute.
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Blackwell's Island, Cell in Penitentiary.
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Night in Gotham Court.
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A Growler Gang in Session.
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Bohemian cigar makers at work in their tenement.
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A cozy corner in a Brooklyn public school (teaching the girls houskeeping).
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A Typical East Side Block.
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The great crucifix in Ribe Domkirke, put away in one of the galleries at the Reformation; unearthed and restored at the restoration (finished 1904).
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Children's Playground. Good citizenship at the Bottom of this Barrel.
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The Old.
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Police Station Lodgers - Women's lodging room in West 47th Street Station.
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A Dependent Widower.
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Athletic meets in Crotona Park.
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