A. Brown & Co.View of the House in New Utrecht L.I. in which Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull died of his wounds in 1776.
Charles Hart LithoEastern N.Y. Eastern Section and Eastern N.Y. Western Section
[Pelham Priory]
J. Hoover & Son,Xanthus Smith (1839-1929)Parade of the Victorious Atlantic Squadron of the American Navy
Map of the lands of Samson Benson lying at Harlem
[Map of lots from 138th to 142nd Street, between 6th Avenue and the Harlem River]
[Map of property bounded by Elizabeth Street, Bayard Street, and the Bowery - David Reynolds and Calvin Swezey, landowners]
[Map of lots from Greenwich Lane to 14th Street at intersection of Seventh Avenue]
[Map of lots between 5th Avenue and 4th (Railroad) Avenue, from 94th to 97th Street]
Farm of John Somarindyck, Total Contents 318 Acres
[Land from Hudson River Rail Road to Kingsbridge Road, including Land of Institution of the Blind]
[Map of lots from Post Road to Middle Road, bisected by Cross Road]
[Map of Kip family lots in Kips Bay, bordered by Post Road and the East River]
[Lots from Pearl Street to William Street, between Hanover Square and Pine Street]
[Lots from 46th to 48th Streets at 9th Avenue, showing the former Verdant Lane]
New Harlem
Waverly Division of Grand Park, Westchester Co. N.Y.
Prosper Desobry (d. 1843)Map of Property in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, belonging to the Estate of W. W. Gilbert, dec'd
Prosper Desobry (d. 1843)Map of Property in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York Belonging to the Estate of W. W. Gilbert, dec'd
Map of 152 Lots on Prospect Hill in the Twelfth Ward in the City of New York
Lots between the property of Augustus Wynkoop and First Street at the Methodist Cemetery
Estate of Joshua Jones, Deceased Mem. of Title of Real Property
Map of Premises on the Northwesterly corner of 6th Av. and West 15th Street, Surveyed as in posession Feby 23rd 1870
[Lots between Seventh Avenue and East Bank Street at Thirteenth Street]
Edwin SmithMap of Thirty Six Lots of Land in the Fifteenth Ward of the City of New York belonging to David S. Jones Esquire
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