Federal Art ProjectGirl and Baby
Federal Art ProjectPeople Sitting on Stoops
Federal Art ProjectManhattan Skyline.
Federal Art ProjectFlying Turns (Amusement Ride).
Federal Art ProjectFolding, 10th Ave. & 36th St.
Federal Art ProjectHeaps of Garbage
Federal Art ProjectCentral Park Zoo
Federal Art ProjectChildren in front of a Shack Eating Apples
Federal Art ProjectMoving the Finished Product.
Federal Art Project,Sid Grossman (1915-1955)WPA [PWA] Construction
Federal Art ProjectClose up of an Old Woman
Federal Art ProjectWaterfront. [Docking a boat.]
Federal Art ProjectStitching a Quilt 2, 10th Ave. & 36th St.
Federal Art ProjectPacking a Bag, 10th Ave. & 36th St.
Federal Art ProjectBoy on Steps
Federal Art ProjectSouth Ferry.
Federal Art ProjectBoy and Mother at a Table
Federal Art ProjectBoy on Fire Escape with Mattress
Federal Art ProjectManhattan.
Arnold Eagle,Federal Art ProjectChildren in Wreckage
Federal Art ProjectWaterfront. [Man reading on the dock.]
Federal Art ProjectUnder the Elevated Train.
Federal Art ProjectShooting Gallery 2.
Federal Art Project[Sewing, 10th Ave. & 36th St.]
Federal Art ProjectUnion Square Park.
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