Federal Art ProjectElevated Train Station.
Federal Art Project6th Avenue Subway Construction, 32nd Street.
Federal Art ProjectChildren Playing in Vacant Lot
Federal Art ProjectMen Lounging
Federal Art ProjectSmall Business
Federal Art ProjectDress Fitting.
Federal Art ProjectSelling Pretzels.
Federal Art ProjectFederal Music and the Robot.
Federal Art Project6th Avenue Subway Construction, 16th Street.
Federal Art ProjectJunk Store between Tenements
Federal Art ProjectTwo Children in a Railroad Flat
Federal Art ProjectPlayground -- Supervised Game 1
Federal Art ProjectStreet
Federal Art ProjectFactory.
Federal Art ProjectPeople Sitting in Folding Chairs
Federal Art ProjectLoading Bananas.
Federal Art ProjectWaterfront. [Watchmaker's storefront.]
Federal Art ProjectPeople
Federal Art ProjectMan in front of Maps on Wall
Federal Art ProjectWaterfront. [Two men weighing fish.]
Federal Art ProjectTenenment Backs
Federal Art ProjectAt Nathan's Hot Dog Stand.
Federal Art ProjectWaterfront.
Federal Art ProjectGifts for All.
Federal Art ProjectHauling Cloth, 10th Ave. & 36th St.
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