The Political Gymnasium.
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Progressive Democracy _ Prospect of a Smash Up.
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Re - Construction, or "A White Man's Government".
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"Taking the Stump" or Stephen in Search of His Mother.
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The True Issue or "Thats Whats the Matter".
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"Uncle Sam" Making New Arrangements.
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Why Don't You Take It?
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Yankee Doodle on His Muscle
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Who's Afraid of You?
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My Little White Kittie.
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Going for Him.
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Who's Afraid of You?
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Happy Little Chicks.
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Taking Comfort.
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U.S. Post Office, New York.
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Chicago, As It Was.
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Capture and Fall of Charleston, S.C. Feby. 18th 1865.
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First Under the Wire.
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The Surrender of Genl. Joe Johnston Near Greensboro N.C. April 26th 1865.
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Fort Pickens.
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The Bombardment and Capture of Fort Fisher, N.C., Jany. 15th 1865
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Bombardment & Capture of the Forts at Hatteras Inlet, N.C.
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The Sinking of the "Cumberland" by the Iron Clad "Merrimac", Off Newport News, Va. March 8th 1862.
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Brig. Genl. Michael Corcoran.
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