Friedman-Abeles (Firm)[Fritz Weaver as Ronald and Geraldine Page as Marion in "Absurd Person Singular".]
Gilbert & Bacon[Virginia Dreher.]
Vandamm["Once in a Lifetime" theater still.]
Vandamm["Paradise Lost" theater still.]
Sarony[Reginald De Koven.]
Hall's Studio[Julie Herne in "Richter's Wife".]
unknown[Billie Whitelaw and Samuel Beckett rehearsing "Rockaby".]
Byron Company (New York, N.Y.),White Studio (New York, N.Y.)[Act 2 of "The Rule of Three".]
H.C. Miner Litho. Co.[James A. Herne in "Sag Harbor".]
Vandamm[Alice Ghostley as Sheela Cavanaugh and David Brooks as Tim Cavanaugh in "Sandhog".]
Alfred Cheney Johnston (1885-1971)[Grace George as Lady Teazle in "The School for Scandal".]
unknown[Charles Wheatleigh as Conn in "The Shaughraun".]
B. J. (Benjamin J.) Falk (1853-1925)Marie Jansen
unknown["The Private Secretary" theater still.]
unknown["All the King's Horses" theater still.]
William Kuebler[DeWolf Hopper as Howja-Dhu and Annie Meyers as Damayanti in "The Begum".]
unknown[John Marston as Spencer Train, Judith Anderson as Antoinette Lyle, and Thurston Hall as Robert Lyle in "Behold the Bridegroom".]
unknown[Henry Fonda as Hayden Chase and Doris Dalton as Christine Lawrence in "Blow Ye Winds".]
Florence Vandamm["The Brothers Karamazov" theater still.]
Talbot[Sam Jaffe as Hymie and Morris Carnovsky as David Cole in "Cafe Crown".]
Mora (1849-1926)[Rachel Booth in "The Crowing Hen".]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)["The Devil Passes" theater still.]
Hall (Photographer)["The Family" theater still.]
White Studio (New York, N.Y.)["Four Saints in Three Acts" theater still.]
W. A. (William A.) Sands (Photographer)[Edgar L. Davenport as Cardinal de Torres in "In the Palace of the King".]
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