Shine, sir?
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The Short Tail Gang (Corlears Hook) Pier at foot of Jackson Street, now Corlears Hook Park. Photographed from the Police Boat.
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Necktie workshop in a Division Street tenement.
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A Downtown "Morgue."
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The Survival of the Unfittest.
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"Slept in that cellar four years."
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A "Scrub" and her Bed -- the Plank.
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Talmud School in a Hester Street Tenement.
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Court at No. 24 Baxter Street.
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Paper bags.
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[Lower East Side Street Scene.]
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Athletic meets in Crotona Park.
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Public School 167 in the Bronx, Main Entrance.
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Prayer time in the nursery, Five Points House of Industry.
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North Brother Island--"The coffin corner".
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Men's lodging room in West 47th Street Station.
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Two Greek children in Gotham Court debating if Santa Claus will get to their alley or not. He did.
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[Mulberry Street.]
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[Well-dressed man being thrown into jail.]
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The Mott Street Boys, "Keep off the Grass".
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The 'Soup House Gang' Class in History in the Duane Street Newsboys' Lodging House.
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The Potter's Field Consecrated Ground.
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Waiting at table, vacation school.
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Main Entrance of Public School 153 Bronx.
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The Church Street Station Lodging-room, in which I [Jacob A. Riis] was robbed.
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